2nd week of Crossfit

I finished my second week of Crossfit last Friday around 7:15 PM.  Unlike the previous days, this day was different.  I was worn out, extremely sore, and quite beat up, and I loved every minute of it.  I learned a few things this day that I will not be repeating, though.  First, we had a company meeting, and they catered in Buca Di Beppo, for which I felt obligated to eat.  I was diligent with my portion control and figured it might help give me an extra boost as I am carbing up before Crossfit later that night, and boy, I was wrong. During the week, I try to avoid carbs as much as possible and do pretty well at it.  This day it was all just carbs with very little protein.  I felt sluggish and somewhat craptastic much of the day and night.  Secondly, I learned that I was doing wall balls with the wrong form, which injured the right side of my lower back.  I was well into round 3 when I caught the ball way down low and came back up, slightly bent forward, causing my back to the bow and pushing off my toes.  This is definitely not what you want to do. Due to the pain, I was unable to complete my full workout and ended up rolling out my back on a foam roller.  I relaxed over the weekend, working on some mobility stretches and taking a cold bath to help rehab the injury so I would be ready to go on Monday. During the second week, I went Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, completing a WOD each day to focus on one core fundamental move used while doing Crossfit.  We focused mostly on form, as it is the most important thing while doing this activity.


  • 8 rounds of Tabata Squats (20/10 seconds)

  • 4 minutes of Ring Rows

  • 2-minute max Row and 2-minute Farmer Carry with 55 lb kettlebells for 12 minutes.


WOD "Jackie"

  • 1000 meter Row

  • 50 Thrusters with 2o lb dumbbells

  • 30 Ring Rows

Complete this for time. Finished in 14.42.


3 Rounds

  • 10 dumbbell Snatches (Left) 25lb dumbbell

  • 10 Wall Balls, 20lb

  • 10 dumbbell Snatches (Right) 25lb dumbbell

  • 10 Wall Balls 20lbs

Complete this for time. Finished in 16.24.

I start week three this week, which allows me to come one more day a week. I am still trying to decide what day that will be, but more than likely. It will be a Saturday in the AM.

Side Note: I did pick up some Reebok Nanos recently, which are helping out tremendously with form. I highly recommend them to anyone doing Crossfit.


Pearl Jam - Charlotte, NC


1st week of Crossfit